Colour anodising or decorative anodising, is the term used for smaller aluminium items and has a wider range of colours available. Decorative anodising still has the same corrosion resistant properties however it is generally for interior applications as the colours can fade over time in exterior applications due to the UV exposure.
Our colour anodising service offers a range of colours including Silver, Black, Gold, Red, and Blue with all of these in either a Bright or Satin finish.
There are a number of thickness options in Decorative anodising 12, 20, 25 micron with the higher the micron the thicker the protective layer. With the 25 micron thickness considered to be marine anodising.
Polishing is a key component to the bright anodising process. The best finish can be achieved by preparing items well – polishing your items before bright anodising them, you can remove imperfections and achieve a higher quality of finish. While we have our own industrial polishing machines and can polish the work for you. We outsource the bulk of this work to a local polisher who we work closely with on a daily basis.
Some examples of Colour, or Decorative Anodised parts are
- CNC machined parts
- Motorcycle rims
- Car trims
- Badges
- Gun Suppressors
- Signs
- Electronic components
- Kitchen draw handles

Tank Sizes for Colour/Decorative Anodising:
2200mm long x 700mm deep x 350mm wide for Silver, Black and Gold anodising
400mm long x 700mm deep x 350mm wide for Red, and Blue anodising